NaNoWriMo Continues

NaNoWriMo Continues


Writing is going well this year. I’ve got some truck-sized plot holes to deal with, but I’m tweaking the outline as I go and plugging away at the word count.

Last weekend’s NaNoThon activities helped me catch up and make some solid progress.

It’s funny how the mind works. I can easily ignore the environment around me, but when I sit down to write all I can think about is how dusty the tv is, and I notice how long it’s been since I vacuumed or loaded the dishwasher.

Fine. As long as I get my word count done today, I can dust and vacuum and clean as much as I like.

I’m close to the dreaded 30k word mark. On the plus side, I’m also heading into an action packed part of my outline.

Time for me to get back to writing.


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