Why You Should Quit

Why You Should Quit

Chuck Wendig does these great “25 things” posts, taking the lists trend to a wonderful absurd. They are funny, very irreverent and often insightful. The latest one, reason 7 spoke to me:

25 Reasons You Should Quit Writing : “And at this point you make up some excuse about publishing trends or writer’s block or The Muse, but it all adds up to the same thing: you’re not very good at finishing what you start. Your life is littered with the dessicated corpses of countless incomplete manuscripts, characters whose lives are woefully cut short by your +7 Axe of Apathy. You’re so good at not finishing, embrace this skill and quit.”

The +7 Axe of Apathy applies to way too much of my life. Ok, it just got real in here…I need to go get some more caffeine.


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