
Error Running Coverage on Ubuntu

Trying to install pytest and coverage on my ubuntu development server, and ran into an issue when running coverage:

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The Sublime Regex

The Sublime Regex

Sublime Text is a really wonderful text editor. It’s flexible and extensible enough to cover just about any need, but still simple and clean to use.

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Sublime Pelican Plugin

Sublime Pelican Plugin

Wow. If you, like me, are a Sublime convert, and a Pelican blogger , then this wonderful plugin is a must.

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Maciej Cegłowski Discusses

Maciej Cegłowski Discusses

Check out Maciej Cegłowski’s great talk from XOXO 2013. He is the creator behind Pinboard .

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Looking At a Python Pelican

Looking At a Python Pelican

I really like the static version of the site. It’s so much easier to support and configure.

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Common MySQL Queries

I ran across this terrific resource, Common MySQL Queries .

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Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting is tracking down pesky bugs, rooting them from the code and squashing them.

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RSS Feed in Zend Framework

Going to get a little geeky here. But I wanted to share a simple, and effective way to create a simple rss feed of content in the Zend Framework .

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