
Strides for Pride

Strides for Pride

In 2017, my sister and I participated in the Strides for Pride 5k.

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Just a Note Regarding Harry Potter

Just a Note Regarding Harry Potter

I just wanted to take a second and say that I nor anyone associated with this website approves of or appreciates the destructive and bigoted transphobic messages coming from J.

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Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Kudos to the Supreme Court yesterday ruling correctly that equality is a constitutional right under the law, and not something to be argued about and applied willy-nilly.

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Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

“What do you think, Joanna, of the person who only does the bare minimum?

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We Need More--I Want More

We Need More--I Want More

The cynic in me wants to say how awful things are and to rail against anything and everyone that doesn’t agree with me.

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Anger Management

Anger Management

Silence. Internal voices saying, “I’m not good enough,” and “I’m evil.

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People Are Challenging

People Are Challenging

I make no claim to understand people. In fact, I’m often confused by peoples motivations or responses.

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Scalzi's Take on Privilege

Scalzi's Take on Privilege

John Scalzi ruffled some feathers again on his blog when he used a gaming metaphor to try and explain to the Straight White Male players in life that they are on the lowest/easiest setting.

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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.

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