Fireworks in Slo-Mo
Sometimes you get lucky. I was able to catch a cool clip of our local neighborhood fireworks in slow motion. Enjoy with sound on if you can.
Happy New Year!
Here’s the finale!
And who doesn’t love a bonfire in slow motion 🙂
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The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So
The thing is huge! I know I’ve said that a dozen times already, but it is ridiculously large. Its the same (almost) screen size as my kindle touch. For someone without an iPad, the extra screen real estate might be nice, but as a phone, it is just way too big.
There are a couple of features that I really do like. For example, a setting will mute the phone if it is sitting face down on the desk. I don’t know where the setting is, I was hoping to find it and include as part of the post, but I can’t find it. I know about it because a popup shortly after I started using the phone told me about the feature and offered to activate it.
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The Galaxy Note II by Samsung
I got an evaluation phone at work to fiddle with for 30 days. I’ve been a long time apple iPhone fan, and still am, but I’ve been hearing more and more good things about Android and Android phones that I figured it was time to check them out.
My first reaction when they handed me the box was, “Damn! This thing is huge!”
1Password yeah! I wasn’t smart enough to look for a 1Password android version first thing. It took me a couple of hours and several typed passwords before I wised up and searched. 1Password syncs with my dropbox password list just like on the iPhone.
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