Sublime Pelican Plugin
Wow. If you, like me, are a Sublime convert, and a Pelican blogger, then this wonderful plugin is a must.
The plugin adds several Pelican commands to the command palette creating shortcuts for article creation and adding tags.

The best, and for me, the most useful part is the tag insert feature. It pulls all the tags from the site content and makes an easy to search and use list.
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Looking At a Python Pelican
I really like the static version of the site. It’s so much easier to support and configure. I can tweak to my hearts content. Jekyll is a wonderful platform, and Octopress is a great framework on Jekyll. However, ruby isn’t my strength. I’ve fiddled with ruby in the past, but I don’t love it. It is a great language, just not for me.
If I’m perfectly honest, I love perl. Perl was an early first love, and is still a terrific language, but the static site generators in perl are limited. I did take a look at Blosxom, but there isn’t a large number of active users. I did find one site with current posts built using Blosxom, so it’s still out there.
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