Ten Year Plan Number Plate
s/v Ten Year Plan received it’s official number plate today. U.S. Coast Guard documented boats are assigned a lifetime documentation number. The requirements are the number be affixed to the interior of the boat in such a way as altering them would damage the numbers or the hull. Folks solve this problem in a varieties of ways, including wooden plaques, plastic or metal carved plates.
A friend of mine, Al, owns the AutoMetalSkin company, and offered to make a number plate for me. Using a jewelers saw, he cut out the numbers from a sheet of metal, then using his unique finishing process, coated the number plate with brass. He left it exposed, without a clear coat, so we can watch the metal patina over time. See the video below to see more of the reveal process.
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I have a new role at work. For many years I managed the application development teams, but with recent growth and shifts, I’ve moved to the Marketing and Communications team as an innovation architect. The new role has so many interesting opportunities to learn new skills. One thing I’ve been learning is video editing. Our Marketing team has one videographer. She out-sources a great deal of the filming and editing work, but with limited funds, she does as much as she can personally.
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Maciej Cegłowski Discusses
Check out Maciej Cegłowski’s great talk from XOXO 2013. He is the creator behind Pinboard. it’s a fun and inspiring talk.
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